
How to lock a textbox in word for mac
How to lock a textbox in word for mac

how to lock a textbox in word for mac

Select the border of the text box and then press DELETE. If the pointer is not on the border, pressing Copy will copy the text inside the text box and not the text box. Make sure that the pointer is not inside the text box, but rather on the border of the text box. Select the border of the text box that you want to copy. Select one of the text boxes and then under Drawing Tools, on the Format tab, in the Text group, click Create Link. If you have drawn multiple text boxes, you can link them together so that text will flow from one box to another. You can also change or remove a text box or shape border. To position the text box, select it, and then when the pointer becomes a, drag the text box to a new location. To format text in the text box, select the text, and then use the formatting options in the Font group on the Home tab. We do not want the text box to have an outline we will click the Shape Format tab.If you have problems printing text boxes, go to File > Options > Display and under Printing Options, select Print drawings created in Word. Move the text box over the line ensure that the bottom of the text box matches the line. In the drop-down list, select Draw Text Box. The second technique is to click the Insert tab and click the Text box button in the Text group. Highlight the text and click the Underline button on the Home tab in the Font group, and you will notice that the text will be on the line. The first technique we will use is to write on the line notice, when you are typing on the line the text, is not staying on the line, and the line keeps on moving. Have you tried to type over a line in Microsoft Word, but the text is not staying on the line but keeps on moving and creating space, and you are wondering how can I get the text on the line without the line moving and creating space? In this tutorial, we will discuss some techniques to write over the line.

How to lock a textbox in word for mac